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Curriculum Vitae Eva Meisenzahl

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Meisenzahl

Foto von Eva Meisenzahl

1. Education/Training

State Examination, Faculty of medicine, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Residency, Dept. Neurology, TWW Berlin, Germany
Licensed to practice medicine (‘Approbation’)

Dual Residency, Dept. Neuroradiology and Dept. Psychiatry, Charité Berlin, Humboldt University (HU)

Residency, University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Director: Prof. Dr. HJ Möller) Medical Faculty LMU Munich

2. Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

Consultant in psychiatry and psychotherapy

2004 – 2016
Senior physician University Hospital of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Director: Prof. Dr. HJ Möller) Medical Faculty, LMU Munich

2006 - 2016
Managing senior physician of the hospital & Responsible for giving the mandatory Teaching to the faculty of Psychology in psychopathology and clinical psychiatry, LMU Munich

2006 – 2013
Manager of the entire Education & Teaching programme for all modules in the specialty Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (MeCuM, Medical Curriculum Munich, teaching offerings in the Centre for Teaching and Studies, LMU Munich

2010 – 2016
W2 Full-Professor of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Director: Prof. Dr. HJ Möller) member of the faculty of medicine Department of Psychiatry, LMU, Munich, Germany, unlimited contract

Call to head position of director of the department of psychiatry university of Düsseldorf, HHU; Call to head position of director of the department of psychiatry university of Linz, JPU; Call to head position of director of the department of psychiatry university of Kiel,CAU.

Since 2016
Professor of Psychiatry, Chair (Director) of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf


Member of

  • German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN),member workgroup predictive Psychiatry & member social psychiatry
  • AGNP Working Group on Neuropharmacology
  • DGBP German Society of Biological Psychiatry
  • LIPPS National Association of Chairs of Psychiatry
  • 5. ESAS European Scientific Association on Schizophrenia and other Psychoses
  • European Association of Psychiatry, member Workgroup Neuroimaging
  • European Association of Neuropsychopharmacology, member Workgroup Neuroimaging
  • Member of the expert group for the development of the S3-Schizophrenia Clinical Guideline (Ed. DGPPN/AWMF); contribution to the topic: Early recognition and early intervention/ focus: brain imaging
  • DÄVT, German medical Sociaty in cognitive behavioral therapy, certified supervisior
  • DHV, German university association

Other experience and professional memberships

  • Vice President, ESAS European Scientific Association on Schizophrenia and other Psychoses
  • Chairman of the Alliance against Depression Düsseldorf
  • President of ELAN e.V., association for citizen assistence
  • Medical Director of the psychiatric hospital LVR Düsseldorf (2016-2020)
Abbildung der Urkunde des Bristol-Myers Award 2011

Awards/ Honors

  • Scientific Scholarship holder of the LMU Munich (2001-2003) (180.000 Euro/2 years)
  • National Prize Winner of the Von Gudden Preis (2002) (5000 Euro)
  • National Prize Winner of the Hormosan Prize (2008) (10.000 Euro)
  • International Prize Winner of the European Prevent Prize, Association of European Psychiatry (2011) (20.000 Euro)
  • Honorary appointment as Senior Research Fellow of the Bedfordshire Center for Mental Health Research, University of Cambridge (2011)
  • US Patent Adaptive pattern recognition for psychosis risk modelling US20160192889A1

3. Selected peer reviewed grants

During the last 5 years scientific projects funded with 7.021.665 Euro. The complete project list can be provided if required. Ongoing research support
Short title Funding institution Start/End Applicants Total funding [€]
Personalised Prognostic Tools for Early Psychosis Management” (PRONIA) EU 7th Framework 07/13 -onging PI Meisenzahl, Koordinator Koutsouleris 6 Mio. Euro
Suicide Prevention Risk Management Alliance / Suizid Präventions-Risikomanagement Allianz:
Development of an E Health Teaching programme (SUPRIMA)
German Ministry of Health 10/17-ongoinig PI Meisenzahl

4. Selection of peer-reviewed publications

Multi-modal Workflows for Psychosis Prediction in Clinical High-Risk Syndromes and Recent-Onset Depression: A Multi-Site Machine Learning Analysis. Last author, JAMA Psychiatry, accepted
IF: 17.472
Neuroanatomical pattern classification identifies subjects in at risk mental state of psychosis and predicts disease transition. First author, Archives of General Psychiatry
2009, 66 (7): 700-712. (FA equally contributed)
IF: 16.642
Plexin B3 is genetically associated with verbal performance and white matter volume in brain. First author, Molecular Psychiatry 2007, 12 (2): 190-194. IF: 10.009
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66met and Serotonin Transporter Promoter Region Polymorphisms are differently associated with reduced hippocampal volumes in major depression. Last Author, Archives of General Psychiatry 2007, 64:410 – 416. (FA equally contributed)
IF: 15.976
Depression-related long-term Decline of Brain Morphology: Stress-toxicity? Last author, Archives of General Psychiatry 2008, 65(10):1156-65.
IF: 15.976
Individualized differential diagnosis of schizophrenia and mood disorders using neuroanatomical biomarkers. First author, Brain 2015. 138:2059-73
IF: 10.226 . (FA equally contributed)
Reduced gray matter brain volumes are associated with variants of the serotonin transporter gene in major depression. Last author, Mol Psychiatry 2008, 13(12):1093-101.
IF: 12.537
Early recognition and disease prediction in the at-risk mental states for psychosis using neurocognitive pattern classification. Last author, Schizophr Bull 2012, 38(6):1200-15.
IF: 8.486
Distinguishing Prodromal From First-Episode Psychosis Using Neuroanatomical Single-Subject Pattern Recognition. Last author, Schizophr Bull 2012 38(5):11-18
IF: 8.486
Accelerated Brain Aging in Schizophrenia and Beyond: A Neuroanatomical Marker of Psychiatric Disorders. Last author, Schiz Bulletin 2014, 40(5):1140-53 IF: 8.486
Prediction models of functional outcomes for individuals in the clinical high-risk state for psychosis or with recent-onset depression: A multi- modal, multisite machine learning analysis. Middle author, JAMA Psychiatry 2018, 75(11):1156-1172.
IF: 17.472

Zertifikate und Mitgliedschaften


LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf

Bergische Landstraße 2

40629 Düsseldorf

Telefon: 0211 922-0

Telefax: 0211 922-1010